According to the nodal admittance equation, the analysis of steady state performance of self excited induction generators is carried out by using the secant method. 依据等效电路的节点导纳方程,采用弦截法分析了自励感应发电机的稳态特性。
The error of Richardson 'extrapolation method is less than that of secant method; Richardson外推法的误差小于正切法;
In this paper, the chord secant method is further studied, and then some general forms of chord secant method are obtained. 进一步讨论了弦割法,给出了弦割法的一般形式,相信在方程求根的近似计算中有着重要的作用。
In this paper, the author applies affine reduced operation to the model based secant method and gives a new method to look for the descent direction for solving unconstrained minimization problem. 把仿射约化变换应用于基于模型的割线法中,给出了一种新的求解无约束极小化问题的下降方向算法。
An Iteration Formula from Secant Method to Newton Method 割线法向牛顿法的过渡格式
A design method of symmetrical reinforcement members subjected to small eccentric compression by secant method 弦截法在对称配筋小偏心受压构件截面设计中应用
On the Convergence Order of Two-Step Secant Method 关于二步割线法的收敛阶
The tension system and the thickness system are seperable, so that the thickness equation becomes one dimensional nonlinear one after having solved simultaneously the tension of each stand and by means of the secant method, it is convenient to solve the outgoing thickness of each stand. 张力系统与厚度系统可分离,从而在联立解出各架张力后使厚度方程成为一维的非线性方程,用割线法可以方便地解出各架出口厚度。
Nonlinear dielectric property was also examined by means of secant method. 利用割线方法还研究了该类复合材料的非线性有效性质。
At last, horizontal secant method was compared with half division method and Newton method by examples. 最后通过实例,把该方法与对分法、Newton切线法作了比较。
This paper studies convergence of discrete Newton method and secant method for searching extreme point of 1-dimensional functions under lower smoothness requirements. 本文在降低了对目标函数的光滑性要求的条件下讨论用于求一元函数极值点的离散牛顿法和割线法的收敛性。
This paper proposes an asymptotic root locus itration method which is based on Liapunov stability for solutions of equations in one variable. In special cases it be-comes the secant method and Newton method. 本文讨论基于Liapunov稳定性理论的一个渐近根轨迹迭代公式,弦割法和Newton法是它的两个特例。
The Point Estimate of an Improved Secant Method 一种改进的弦截法的点估计
In the paper we presented the local convergence condition for the ( n+ 1)-point sequential secant method which is used to find solution of nonlinear equations of several variables, and proved the convergence. 本文提出了求解多元非线性方程组的(n+1)点顺序正割法的局部收敛条件,并且给出了收敛性的一种证明方法。
By using the coordination rotation and amplification convolution secant method, the derivative ( da/ dN) accuracy is effectively improved. 求da/dN的数值求导采用座标变换旋转放大卷积割线法。可提高求导精度。
An improved secant method 一种改进的割线法
At last, an example is given and the secant method is compared with the accurate differential method. 最后,给出了应用实例,并对精确微分法和割线法进行了对比。
According to the primary principles of the half division method and Newton method, a new method called horizontal secant method was presented for one dimension search. 根据经典的一维搜索算法对分法和Newton切线法的基本原理,提出了一种新的一维搜索算法水平割线法。
N-point Secant Method and Modification of Convergence Condition for Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations in Several Variables 解非线性方程组的N点割线法及其收敛条件的改进
This paper mainly deals with the secant method used on stiffness matrix. 主要说明割线法在刚度矩阵上的应用。
On the convergence of the secant method in Banach space Banach空间正割法的收敛性
In this paper, a class of Julia fractal patterns generated from rational function mapping are discussed, and their construction method, generalized Secant method, is given. 本文讨论了一类有理函数映射下的Julia分形集的性质,以及构造这类分形集的广义割线方法,并证明了该方法的收敛性。
Application of new totally structured secant method to registration of time series images 一种新的结构正割法在时间序列图像配准中应用
Based on the iteration method of Newton, this paper intends to discuss the improvement in the study of chord secant method. 利用Newton迭代法给出了弦割法的一个改进。
A simple formula of forming metric matrices is put forward. The simple variable matric algorithm produced from the formula is equivalent to the secant method and when the aim function is positive definite quadratic function, it is equivalent to BFGS. 提出了构造尺度矩阵的一个简式公式,其对应的简式变尺度算法与正割法等价,当目标函数为正定二次函数时简式变尺度算法与BFGS方法等价。
Efficiency of Interval Secant Method 关于区间割线法的有效性
The Convergence Order of Newton Secant Method Predictor-Corrector Iterative Form 牛顿弦截法预估校正迭代格式的收敛阶
Two-side monotone approximate secant method for nonlinear multisplitting 非线性多分裂两侧单调逼近割线法
This paper presents a detailed definition of wind farms capacity credit, and a calculation method of capacity credit of wind farms based on non-sequential Monte-Carlo simulation is proposed, in which secant method will be used at calculation process. 在有效负荷承载能力概念的基础上提出了风电场容量可信度定义,并提出了一种基于非序贯蒙特卡罗仿真,采用弦截法计算风电场容量可信度的算法。